Prayer For Our Children

Most High God, We boldly ask all of heaven to assist us as we open our hearts in prayer for our children. We are grateful for these gifts you have entrusted to us. From their first breath to their last we ask for your protection and guidance and sanctuary from the deceptions of this world. As parents, grandparents and guardians of the children we recognize the spirit of the world is at work to rob them of their innocence and conscience. May we be able to teach them and reassure them of the beautiful, strong children of the Living God that they are. We receive and believe this encouragement that no weapon formed against them will prosper and we pray against the weapons of addiction, loneliness, pornography, bullying, violations of the innocent in every form. We pray for an impervious hedge of protection around them from birth through adolescence, their teen years and beyond as they go out into the world. We are grateful for the heavenly beings that walk with them while they continue on this side of heaven. May we, as parents, grand-parents, guardians and fellow human beings rise up in prayer, body and spirit to teach them your ways of love and truth. We pray for courage as they grow to stand for what is true, good and honorable. To stand and live for Christ in their homes, at school, at work and beyond. Most High God relieve us of worry and fear. Rather give us a fearless spirit and courage to rise up, speak up when necessary, love, guide and protect always the presence of all of our children.

From Ephesians 6 We pray our children be covered with the armor of God.

“May they find strength in their union with the Most High and His power.  Putting on the full protection of God, so they may be discerning and able to stand their ground against the strategies of evil. For theirs is not a struggle against enemies of flesh and blood, but against all the various powers of darkness. Taking up the armor of God may they be able to withstand any attack, standing their ground. With the belt of truth and your Presence at the center of their being. Your morals and integrity guarding their hearts and minds ready to serve the good news of truth and peace. May they be emboldened in faith as their shield; for with it they will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. And may they receive the mind of Christ, and the Spirit of Life protected by the helmet of salvation and the word of God as their sword. This is a mighty prayer and you are a mighty God. May we rise up, surround our children with your love now and forever. Let it be so. Let it be now. Amen.

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