I’ve Fallen Into Negative Thinking and I Can’t Get Up!
What is that one nagging, critical thought that keeps you stuck and has you believing you aren’t meant for an abundant whole life, inner peace, freedom and purpose?
I’ll share my big one today with you and then you get to share me yours. To think I’m not even halfway through my day yet! Here it is…drumroll please…”You’re so lazy”. Yes, that’s a big one for me. Probably because I heard it as a child. As an adult I can look back and realize it wasn’t true, I wasn’t lazy at all. (Listen to me defend myself.) I was just a young contemplative!! I always did what I was supposed to do, told to do, expected to do. However, my mom didn’t understand all those hours spent alone in my room, praying, thinking, reflecting or reading. I’ve always had a contemplative nature. Yet, after all these years you would think that thought wouldn’t even be on my radar screen. Well, it is. Especially on a day when I’m not up dressed and out of the house early. It is a thought that can hook me. It can sidetrack my attention and worse yet my intention.
Sometimes I notice the false thoughts and am able to do my Prayer of Turning. However, there are those times that I fall for the lie, usually because I’m tired or feeling a bit overwhelmed by responsibilities or both.
When UNABLE to turn away from the critical story line what do we do? Here are FIVE important things that really work.
1. Don’t be afraid of the thought. Notice it and recognize it is not of God. There’s nothing holy or humbling about self-critical thinking because God never accuses or condemns. To merely engage the thought with more thinking isn’t effective. Movement is necessary.
2. Sit in Centering Prayer either more times during the day or longer periods of time. In this case more is more and more is best! Yes, Centering Prayer is movement.
3. Talk to someone. I call my bestie soul friend who knows and loves me. Her compassionate listening and loving input always puts me in a place of acceptance. I confess to her my negative self introspection. Just hearing the words come out of my mouth I start to feel the shift within me and the thoughts dissipate.
4. If there’s a recurring thought, remember to bring it to your next Spiritual Direction appointment. Unpacking it as your Spiritual Director holds you in the Light of this sacred space, is transforming.
5. Remember God is in the movement. I’m not talking about frenetic busyness or pressured action but movement. Sometimes just putting your attention on making a good meal can be enough.
So right now, breathe deeply. These self critical thoughts can sneak in on anyone, like dust floating in the air. The next time one of ‘those’ thoughts floats across your mind, remember to be gentle with yourself. Remember thoughts are not reality they just are and remember transformation, inner peace, freedom and purpose is possible through The Deeper Connection.
Thank you for writing such a beautiful and helpful article, Maria.