
It rained on the last day of retreat
As if freedom could be more free.
God poured down grace on me.
Beautiful rays of golden light.
Through the canopy of trees.
From heaven into my soul.
Engulfed in prayer, the moment came unannounced.
Like the gentle summer breeze, that brushed across my face.
From the page of scripture, leapt the words “forgive them.”
And like the water cascading through the fountain
Came the names and faces I had hidden away.
I was ready.
Invited by the Silence.
Held secure by the Stillness.
Ready, to look deep into my heart,
Now with clarity and understanding.
The resentments once hidden by reason and rightness,
Reflected back at me.
“It is time.” He said.
And I knew what was mine to do.
No grand gestures of humility expected.
Just acceptance for a lifetime of wounds.
As I wrote down each name and saw each face,
These words came.
I release you from my resentment__I forgive you, God bless you.
I continued my litany of forgiveness, seeing each person.
Realizing how even the slightest resentment,
Hid secretly, deep in my heart.
“It is time.” He said.
“There is no one left.”, I replied.
The glancing down I saw my reflection in the water.
And I knew.
It was time and I was ready.
Readied by the beautiful work of prayer
Readied by the sacred space carved by Silence.
Readied by the presence of My Beloved.
Ready to receive the grace to forgive myself.
And the mercy offered.
As if freedom could be more free.
God poured down grace on me.

Who is Maria?

Maria Gullo is the founder of The Deeper Connection, a ministry dedicated to bringing individuals to inner peace. She is an ordained minister and has spent the past twenty-plus years delivering the message of contemplative Christian spirituality through centering prayer, retreats, workshops, and lectures. Maria’s guided prayer and meditation tools include audio downloads and CDs, available here online as well as on the Insight Timer mobile meditation app. Learn more about Maria.

Maria offers virtual online and private one-on-one Spiritual Direction sessions to help individuals develop a deeper connection, clearer understanding and authentic relationship with God, self and others.

Follow The Deeper Connection @deeperconnects on Twitter, and @thedeeperconnection on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube

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