What is Contemplative Worship?

During these times of pressure, draining schedules, 24/7 fear inducing news, demanding responsibilities, and critical decisions our hearts and souls long for refreshment and peace that only comes from a deep connection with God. We desire a communal setting for worship that will soothe our over stimulated, over ‘agenda-ed’ minds. We may find such spiritual refreshment in worship which is reflective and contemplative.

Contemplative Worship is a setting in which we quiet ourselves in order to open our hearts, minds and souls to the ministry and Presence of God within us. It is one way to hear the gentle voiceless Voice of God with our hearts. Contemplative Worship waits for the Divine Mystery in the silence, words and music.

Contemplative Worship is an opportunity to still the internal busyness, allowing us to settle deeply into our spiritual center. Contemplative Worship practices us in the rhythm of Christ, a rhythm of moving into prayer and communion with God before going out to engage the world in our work and relationships.

Contemplative Worship does not imply that a person must be proficient in a certain skill or spiritual discipline to participate. It simply implies a desire to seek God and to be open to however God might choose to move within our lives.

Contemplation implies inner awakening to the Light and Presence that fills our being and is present in the world around us. The aim of Contemplative Worship is to draw us into that Light and Presence of God bringing about a deeper awareness of this intimate, healing Love.

Who is Maria?

Maria Gullo is the founder of The Deeper Connection, a ministry dedicated to bringing individuals to inner peace. She is an ordained minister and has spent the past twenty-plus years delivering the message of contemplative Christian spirituality through centering prayer, retreats, workshops, and lectures. Maria’s guided prayer and meditation tools include audio downloads and CDs, available here online as well as on the Insight Timer mobile meditation app. Learn more about Maria.

Maria offers virtual online and private one-on-one Spiritual Direction sessions to help individuals develop a deeper connection, clearer understanding and authentic relationship with God, self and others.

Follow The Deeper Connection @deeperconnects on Twitter, and @thedeeperconnection on Facebook, Instagram and YouTube

Maria wants to hear from you! Tell your story or where you are in your journey.

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4 replies
    • Maria
      Maria says:

      Thank you. I’d love to first create a global contemplative community and worship experience. That may happen with the help of Insight Timer and soul friends like yourself.
      Peace be with you

  1. John
    John says:

    I would recommend a book called ‘out of formation’ by Dr Gary Gilley. It’s a very informative read and handles scripture very well


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